For this question there are many kind of answers ranging from the quirky dry humour of drawing a straight line through the minus sign to other philosophical answers of finding your one true self.... etc.
Now Fat (Stem Cells) Auto graft Muscle Injection (FAMI) or simply structural fat grafting provide another type of answer to that.
Here the negative point being the fat cells.
The fat cells have long been proven as beneficial. They are a store house of energy in the form of lipids, a major endocrine organ producing hormones such as leptin, resistin, and one of the combatants of viral attacks through cytokine TNFα production.
Yet no one could really coax their way out of being obese by citing these reasons. Liposuctions have done their best to alleviate the problems face by this obese population. But now FAMI have taken this a step further. This approach uses the stem cells obtained from fat cells for facelift and other plastic surgeries.
Grafting turns the negative fat cells to a positive through 7 steps.
1. Liposuction collects excess fat from the patient such as stomach or thighs.
2. Fat cells are separated from the stem cells. The yield being ten times more than in bone marrow
3. The stem cells are concentrated.
4. The cells are activated using low-level laser.
5. The stem cell-enriched fat are then injected into the strategic locations in face in small amounts (less than 0.1 cc at a time) in a series of discrete layers to gradually 'build' new soft tissue structure.
6. The injected stem cells could rejuvenate the skin with new collagen and blood vessels.
7. The wrinkles flatten, the pores become smaller, and the colour of the skin is more even and usually lighter.
TaDa. The bloated belly has given way to a fuller, younger-looking face a more natural, youthful look than traditional face-lifts.
Now the added positive that have come out of this negative:
It is a safe, non surgical permanent and natural approach to face lifts, compared to Injectable fillers, such as Restylan used in plastic surgery.
The elimination of the need for future "maintenance" injections due to survival of a substantial amount of the injected fat.
For therapeutic purposes such as the repair of chronic wounds, the restoration of heart tissue after a heart attack, the recovery of skin damaged from exposure to the sun's radiation.
Now the icing on this cake of positives- Indiana-based engineering and life sciences companies have contracted with researchers at the University of Pittsburgh to adapt this technology to help soldiers regrow tissue and recover from severe wounds by their fat.